About me
Hello to anybody who took the time to read my blog and to any newcomers, it's wonderful to have you reading my thoughts and feelings even if my blog is a little bit on the lesser side of Internet popularity! A few of you may have noticed that I deleted my original "about me" post, however a lot can change in a short period of time, so let's do this again and hope that I'll only have to occasionally edit!
My name is Jennifer Nicole, I love (and live) music, creative writing, photography(as a hobby), and SO much more, however I am open to requests about what to post! I live just south of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and love(almost) every minute there. I hope to post a lot of things about music, EQUALITY between all humans of this earth, songwriting, empowerment, and really anything(except for sports, I don't know a thing about those!!!). I hope for you to leave my blog satisfied and feeling empowered no matter what life you live.
I have some wonderful relatives and friends that have supported me throughout my life journey and I can only thank them so many times before I annoy them out of their wits, but again thank you to anybody who has helped me find my missing piece in my life!
Until next time!
Sincerely yours: JENNIFER NICOLE